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(家長指引) 花係唔駛買 ~ 愛會繼續來 之 "搶得就搶...唔搶得都要照搶” hehehee : ...

熱度 3已有 1258 次閱讀2011-8-2 23:19 |個人分類:花係唔駛買 ~ 愛會繼續來

唔駛我多講啦, 一睇個 title 都明啦 .... 問你地怕味

newbie 一見到 "黃"色花 "冧" .... 即刻 話 "要要要" 唔理 fafa 主人有無話比我 ..

咁仲唔係  "搶得就搶...唔搶得 都 要 照 搶 ”  hehehee
18 以下 同 以上 "都" 唔好學 呀 
不過今日有兩位小朋友 在場 親眼 "目睹" "搶劫" 經過
唔該 d 家長 "指引" 一下佢地, 千萬唔好學 .....
因為唔好同我 搶 "黃" 花 .. hehehee
un ng understand ... kkakkaakkakaaaaaaaa

these are what I 搶回來的啦 ....... yeah !! ^^ !!

billy said .. 明天 應該會開啦 ........ wowowowowowwww .. love it

wowowowow 唔駛自己插, 成棵 / 成盆 就咁就搶左番來啦 .. kakkakaaa

睇下有幾多 !! .. 走前 連 "農藥" 都照搶, 暈未 ? hehehee

真係 好好好好好 多 謝  billy   !!!!!!!!


真係 黃得好鬼靚架 :)

ps  : 其實仲收左好多好多禮物 .. TO BE CONTINUED ^^

發表評論 評論 (29 個評論)

回復 fnv234 2011-8-2 23:42
黃色果隻酢係Oxalis flava
回復 蕙蕙 2011-8-2 23:42
睇到你呢個post 就知道你既心情好番好多啦, 花花既力量真係大呀
回復 newbie 2011-8-2 23:43
fnv234: 唔駛客氣,今日真係好開心
黃色果隻酢係Oxalis flava
thanks a lot . u give me ALL MY LOVE AH !!!!!!!!!
i will take good care of them ... and ask my maid that good care of them too heheheee .. i will bring all seeds and babies to canada... those 3 big ones will leave in HK, hope when i back next year, i can see fa fa la :)
if u can, pls give me all the names pls :)
回復 newbie 2011-8-2 23:46
蕙蕙: 睇到你呢個post 就知道你既心情好番好多啦, 花花既力量真係大呀
yessssssssssssssssssss .. thanks sister  
and ALL THE LOVE FROM U GALS AND GUYS............. make me so happy !
when i see this reply from u .. my tears falling down immediately without control ................  
i will missssssssss u ALL to die when I am in canada ......... sigh .......... @@
回復 fnv234 2011-8-2 23:51
風雨蘭Zephyranthes primulina
皮草Chirita lavandulacea/夜牽牛
Oxalis purpurea 'White'/花貓An's Nagging Macaws/花韭Iphieon 'Wisley Blue'
Oxalis flava
回復 newbie 2011-8-2 23:54
fnv234: 第一張相:
風雨蘭Zephyranthes primulina
皮草Chirita lavandulacea/夜牽牛
Oxalis purpurea 'White'/花貓An's Naggin ...
wow 勁呀 ...  thanks :)
回復 蕙蕙 2011-8-2 23:57
don't miss us all to die la, just try to pm us or i can still get in touch with u thru fb, right?
回復 newbie 2011-8-2 23:57
fnv234: 第一張相:
風雨蘭Zephyranthes primulina
皮草Chirita lavandulacea/夜牽牛
Oxalis purpurea 'White'/花貓An's Naggin ...
兩個球 are Wisley Blue ?? -- wwowowow i found the photo .. the fa fa sooooooooo prettie ......... wowwowooww i will love 'her' to die la ..
million thanks again !!!!!!!!!! how to take care of it ah ?
回復 fnv234 2011-8-2 23:59
兩個球係Oxalis purpurea 'White'
回復 newbie 2011-8-2 23:59
蕙蕙: don't miss us all to die la, just try to pm us or i can still get in touch with u thru fb, right?
if online here too slow. .then we chat in FB la @@ and u help me to post my fa fa lor @@ ...   
回復 newbie 2011-8-3 00:00
蕙蕙: don't miss us all to die la, just try to pm us or i can still get in touch with u thru fb, right?
did u get 花韭Iphieon 'Wisley Blue' ??
the fafa very nice ga .........
回復 蕙蕙 2011-8-3 00:02
newbie: if online here too slow. .then we chat in FB la @@ and u help me to post my fa fa lor @@ ...   
what a big project!!   
回復 newbie 2011-8-3 00:03
fnv234: 兩個球係Oxalis purpurea 'White'
ooh icicic hehee. the one with ROOT .. got it ..
i found the fa fa photo .. very nice ah .. i love it so much.. thanks again !!
回復 蕙蕙 2011-8-3 00:04
newbie: did u get 花韭Iphieon 'Wisley Blue' ??
the fafa very nice ga .........
not sure if they r 花韭OR tulips bulbs as Billy said that they seem to be tulips
i did not get one from Billy direct
回復 newbie 2011-8-3 00:24
蕙蕙: what a big project!!    
heheheee.... hope u willing to do that for me la hehehee...
u know how many seeds i got today la kakakakaaa
回復 newbie 2011-8-3 00:25
蕙蕙: not sure if they r 花韭OR tulips bulbs as Billy said that they seem to be tulips
i did not get one from Billy direct
ooh icicccccccc.. hope i can grow more babies in canada la ...
回復 Evalam 2011-8-3 10:12
回復 newbie 2011-8-3 10:18
Evalam: 嘩....你好勁呀
hehehee.. 仲搶左好多未出 post hehhehee :)
回復 Evalam 2011-8-3 10:28
newbie: hehehee.. 仲搶左好多未出 post hehhehee :)
回復 newbie 2011-8-3 10:33
Evalam: 仲唔快dpost埋出嚟
not yet take photos ah ........... too many la heheheeeeeeee
and i need go to apply US visa today .. so may take photo tonite la @@
cara said have tea gathering dinner tonite, u join ng join ah ?

facelist doodle 塗鴉板

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